Sunday, 22 March 2015

My biggest struggle is also my biggest accomplishment

I don't know where to begin with this post.. 
I've started waking up in the morning and actually smiling when I look in the mirror. I like what I'm seeing. I know I'm not the skinniest girl, or the prettiest girl, but I'm happy. Not every morning is like this but those bad days are becoming more rare. There is so much coming up in my life and I'm so unbelievably excited to start that new chapter. My book is still unwritten but I'm at the point where I can't stop turning the pages. It's so hard not skipping forward. 
I can't believe I've finally reached a point in my life where I'm excited to be alive. I thought I'd never have that.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Heads Carolina, Tails California

I'm taking a break from life to write this little post or I will probably go insane. My life has been changing tremendously lately and I'm still trying to get use to it. I've been so caught up with getting my future on the right track that I haven't had any time to myself. There are so many things I want to do but I feel guilty if I do them. I feel like I need to dedicate every second of my time to moving forward.
I want to read. I want to write. I want to draw. I want to do all these things that use to make me so happy. Now, it's just living day by day, hoping the next one will be better than the last. Despite all the change, I'm still here. I'm working on that. In a few months, once everything is figured out, I might be moving. With any luck, I will be able to start fresh. New life, new people, new surroundings. It's what I need. There are so many times that I just want to pack my stuff, hop in my car and drive. No specific destination, just somewhere else.
I need to live my life. When I was younger, I thought I'd be so much further along by now. I had so many ideas and expectations, but now, my only goal is to be happy. 
Forget the past, live for the future.