Saturday, 8 December 2012

Life, you've got me going crazy

It's true, I'm a little insane. I have dreams sometimes that I live in an insane asylum and that life is good. There would be no freedom there though. Freedom is one thing I need. Freedom is the reason why I live far from home right now.
Yes, I am crazy. It's who I am and nothing will ever change that. I control myself though. I'm easily distracted but sometimes, if I'm really in to something, I won't sleep, I won't eat and I won't budge until I'm done. Those things include drawing, reading and puzzles. A thousand little pieces can keep me sane and I don't even know how. Drawing keeps me intrigued. I can draw what my mind cannot explain. Those drawings are hanging on my wall right now. They are mostly my dreams and nightmares. People have seen them, and they judge me for them but that does not bother me. People walk in to my room and they are scared by what they see. I'm just expressing myself, it's nothing to be concerned about. I read because I love words. I read hoping that one day, I can express one of my stories through words like all those amazing authors.
Every time I start writing, I always get sidetracked and start mumbling about random stuff.. like now. The titles of my written stuff will probably be random because I never stay on one subject. My mind won't stop wandering.

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